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Justification of Conference Attendance

As professionals committed to ensuring equitable access to the benefits of global experiences for all students, attending Global Inclusion 2023 is an invaluable opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge, and community needed to make progress. In an effort to assist colleagues in securing funding to attend the annual conference, Diversity Abroad has prepared the following resources:

About the Conference

Quantifying the Benefits

Planning Tips 

Sample Letter for Your Supervisor 


Since 2013 Diversity Abroad’s annual conference has constituted the most comprehensive forum to share innovations, build community, and collaborate to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in global education and cultural exchange.  In 2023, more than 700 students & professionals will convene to attend 70+ sessions (over 170 hours) including keynote panels, innovation competition, guided action-planning, and in-depth workshops. Throughout the conference, attendees will explore emerging research trends, share best-practices, and join a network of equity-minded colleagues committed to advancing our shared goals.


  • Focus specifically on bringing back key take-aways for your department/organization
  • Offer to deliver a short presentation or Q&A for your colleagues to share learning and multiply the benefits of attendance
  • Identify specific session content. What sessions have particular relevance to your organization’s work?
  • Be strategic about networking and vendor contacts. Will there be speakers, presenters, or potential partners in attendance who can help advance your institution’s/organization’s goals?


  • Keep an eye on the Diversity Abroad website for conference session information as it becomes available to identify educational offerings to meet your professional development needs.