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The Global Inclusion Conference volunteer experience provides meaningful, practical work and professional development opportunities at the Global Inclusion Conference. Diversity Abroad is now accepting applications for volunteers to assist in a variety of on-site logistical  tasks associated with hosting our annual conference.

Diversity Abroad requests volunteers to work dedicated shifts of 2-3 hours over the conference days. Upon successful completion of duties, volunteers will receive a certificate of completion and appreciation from Diversity Abroad. Volunteers will also have limited access to networking opportunities with seasoned professionals in the field of international education. Volunteers who also paid for a Full Access Pass to the conference will receive a 10% rebate discount on their registration fee after successfully completing five (5) hours of volunteering. Please note that this discount rebate will given only after the successful completion of hours and the conference has concluded.

Volunteer Opportunities

Conference registration volunteers will serve as the first points of contact for attendees. They will assist with conference check-in, relaying general conference information (schedule and location questions) and greeting attendees.

Session, Plenary, and Workshop volunteers will assist in a variety of ways. These volunteers will

  • Check session rooms to make sure presenters are present and set-up before the concurrent session block begins
  • Help attendees navigate to their desired session
  • Close session rooms once they reach capacity
  • Assist in question and answer sessions during plenaries and workshops
  • Keep an eye on sessions in progress in order to notify a Diversity Abroad staff of any immediate matters.

Conference set-up happens on Monday October 30, 2023 at the venue. Volunteers will be asked to assist in preparing conference participant materials, setting up the registration area, and other small set-up related tasks.

Conference clean up will happen on the last day of the conference, Friday November 3, 2023. Volunteers will be asked to help pack up any left over materials into boxes and other small conference break down related tasks.